Patch 3.2 is Sending Us Back Into Heroics
Posted by Bastosa on Friday, June 26, 2009 - 61 Comments Tags: badges, bastosa, emblems, heroics, heroism, loot, triumph, valor
Like you guys and gals, I have been poring over all the exciting info coming out of the PTR right now. New gear, dungeons, and battlegrounds are so much fun and what keep this game exciting.
But I can't help feel that the most significant change in this patch is something we found out about a while ago, and will change the way we play this game more than you might realize.
The change I am referring to is the changes that Blizzard is making to the emblem system. In case you missed the blue post, here is the section I am referring to.
So what does this mean for our daily play style? Simply that we now have lots of reason to run heroics. Currently there is virtually no reason for me to step into a heroic. I don't need heroism emblems, gear, or rep. I, like many others, have progressed past this. But now things are different.
With every boss dropping Conquest Badges the first few weeks of 3.2 are going to be full of heroic runs. This will let us get all the T8 tier gear, runed orbs, and deadly gear that we could possibly want in a very short period of time. Eventually we will all get all the conquest gear we can handle, but for a short time heroics will be very important.
What is even more exciting is the details regarding daily quest rewards. Both the daily and heroic dailies will no give us Emblems of Triumph, which will purchase the next highest level of gear and, presumably, T9 tokens. To me this means I will be doing both of those dungeons every day that I can.
It will certainly be an adjustment, but I must say I am sort of looking forward to it. I have always been a big fan of 5-mans, something about that groups size lends itself to a fun relaxed atmosphere. It is something I have missed.
With this news I know I have lots of heroic dungeons ahead of me, and more importantly heroic dungeons worth doing! How do you feel about this change? Looking forward to getting back in those 5-mans? Or would you just as well leave them behind?
But I can't help feel that the most significant change in this patch is something we found out about a while ago, and will change the way we play this game more than you might realize.
The change I am referring to is the changes that Blizzard is making to the emblem system. In case you missed the blue post, here is the section I am referring to.
- Emblem System Changes
- Both the 10 and 25-player instances of the Crusaders' Coliseum drop a new Emblem of Triumph.
- Any dungeons that previously dropped Emblems of Heroism or Valor, such as Naxxramas or Heroic Halls of Stone, will now drop Emblems of Conquest instead. Emblems of Conquest can still be converted to Valor or Heroism.
- The Heroic dungeon daily quest will now reward 2 Emblems of Triumph and the normal daily dungeon quest will reward 1 Emblem of Triumph.
- The existing achievements to collect 1, 25, 50, etc. Emblems of Heroism, Valor, and Conquest have been converted to Feats of Strength since Heroism and Valor Emblems are no longer attainable.
- New achievements have been added to collect various amounts of any combination of emblems.
So what does this mean for our daily play style? Simply that we now have lots of reason to run heroics. Currently there is virtually no reason for me to step into a heroic. I don't need heroism emblems, gear, or rep. I, like many others, have progressed past this. But now things are different.
With every boss dropping Conquest Badges the first few weeks of 3.2 are going to be full of heroic runs. This will let us get all the T8 tier gear, runed orbs, and deadly gear that we could possibly want in a very short period of time. Eventually we will all get all the conquest gear we can handle, but for a short time heroics will be very important.
What is even more exciting is the details regarding daily quest rewards. Both the daily and heroic dailies will no give us Emblems of Triumph, which will purchase the next highest level of gear and, presumably, T9 tokens. To me this means I will be doing both of those dungeons every day that I can.
It will certainly be an adjustment, but I must say I am sort of looking forward to it. I have always been a big fan of 5-mans, something about that groups size lends itself to a fun relaxed atmosphere. It is something I have missed.
With this news I know I have lots of heroic dungeons ahead of me, and more importantly heroic dungeons worth doing! How do you feel about this change? Looking forward to getting back in those 5-mans? Or would you just as well leave them behind?
Reader Comments (61)
I love the notion that some badge loot and two tier pieces are going to mean Ulduar is a ghost town, in that it's completely ridiculous.
I hear no one will want Voldrethar because they can get some mediocre 245 gear and a Titansteel Destroyer.
This change is over complicated. Why not allow Heroic and Valor emblems to purchase Conquest at a steep rate. 10:1 and 5:1 or something.
I get that the game is old and Blizz is afraid people can't get on board if they are late starters but they should have left the artificial boosting to levelling and XP rate increases.
Shortening the end game content by stripping out its earliest ties is just self defeating.
Insted of "time=good and work=epics" we are stuck with "time=epics and work=unnecessary"
I hope this proves me wrong in the long run but I doubt it.
I understand Blizz wanting new 80s a way to catch up to the current raid content, but this is just stupid. It completely undermines the 1000s of gold I've dropped (and many other players) in repairs in Ulduar by letting someone get T8 gear by running laughably easy heroics.
There are other ways to preserve progression and avoid rewarding bad players. How about buffing the drop rates for gear in Naxx, OS, etc.
Make the 10 man version drop the same emblems as the 25 man. While this is close to the proposed change, I think the player base would more readily accept this.
Maybe drop more emblems per boss so purchasing gear can be made quicker, but you still need to prove that you're a skilled player and have gone though the progression like everyone else.
This is only going to make PUG achievement requirements more important than gear checking.
I might just end my wow breake to have a peak at this when the patch drops....mainly because my main reason for taking a wow break was due to me not having enough time to do 25's.
Personally i think this is a great thing for peeps that cannot play wow everynight or raid everynight.
I saw the exact opposite happen when I was playing Everquest. Raiders were very happy, new content was raid-friendly and progression required dedicated players. Casual players didn't get much love.
What happened? Casual players stopped playing. As soon as you were off the raid-train you basically had no chance of catching up.
There is no such thing as too casual friendly. There are more people born who are willing to try a friendly game than there are hardcore players.
Yes, this will trivialize gear somewhat, but there's no reason to penalize inexperienced players from content. Hardcore raiders will have their noob-free guilds and officers can use achievements as well as gear to check someone's progress.
i like the idea, but now people wont bother to do naxx 25 because they can just farm heroics, which is easier than naxx. Blizzard wanted people to enjoy all the 5 man content that they spent all that time making, but now that they are bringing them back, nobody will enjoy the naxx that they have tweaked and worked on for a long time because there is simply no need. Maybe people will do it for the achievements, but i dont think that is enough for people to go back to naxx. I believe naxx will be, pardon the pun, a ghost town.
Why would a casual gamer raid Crusader's Coliseum?
I dislike this change,(prolly because i play too much, ty) and feel i have wasted several months getting epixx.
Most raiders will most likely find this new change to be bad, and they are the players that have been peying to Blizz for, who knows how long.
Why would i ever wanna go Naxx or Ulduar again?
All I've read is nothing more than childish complaints.
So what if newly dinged 80 players have a chance at some decent gear? Does it stop you doing whatever your already doing?
It still takes some skill to put the gear to some use.
Its understandable to complain about this when you've worked so hard on your current gear. I have just managed to get myself geared up enough to enter Ulduar 10man. I've worked my socks off to get the gear/enchants/gems to be able to go to Ulduar. But then I am the only person in my guild able to do so. Others have only just about got themselves geard for Naxx10.
This new system is going to give them a chance to get geared up so that we can enter raids as a guild finally. We will do every raid whether its Naxx, VoA, EoE, OS or Ulduar. Simply because we want to see all the end game content.
The patch is a good thing if looked at in the correct way.
Plus, it is just a game. I actually have a 'Real Life' that gets me away from my screen to interact with real people not their toons!
LOL wtf are you guys talking about that this might ruin the game... or that noobs will be able to do ulduar?
ITS ONLY TOKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not the whole fuckin set drop.. so what the damn noobs are gonna get like 2 pieces of tier. The heroics aren't gonna drop a tier 8 piece lol. you guys make the damn patch feel like HC's are the only thing you have to do to gear the fuck up. The most your gonna get with these conquest emblems are like gloves or chest of t7/8 and maybe like 1 good ring or trinket. How the hell is that ruining the game lol? It's helping alts with a couple items... not the whole damn set.
great job blizz! keep doing your thing.