Juggy's Addons: Recount's Realtime DPS Graph
Posted by
Juggynaut on
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 -
15 Comments Tags:
a tribute to addons,
damage meter,
healing meter,

First, you'll need to install Recount. Once that's done, either type in /recount config or click on the cog on the top of the Recount window to bring up the settings window. Next, navigate to the Window tab and choose which window you want to turn on. You can turn on a few different windows for the raid: damage per second, healing per second, damage taken per second, and healing taken per second.
Now, these are all pretty simple and show overall raid performance. But what if you want to monitor just your own performance? You can actually turn on player specific graphs for each of those four stats (DPS, DTPS, HPS, and HTPS). To do this, go to the main recount window and navigate to the stat you'd like to

Also, if you're curious about my UI, check out the list of addons that I use.
Reader Comments (15)
First! And after reading this I am now using this instead of the normal Recount which is boring. I thought it was a totally different add-on! Thanks Juggs!
it may look cool and be useful as a dps but as a healer its kindof useless because healing is reactive not proactive.
@ macbethy
Well sometimes it can be useful for healing too. Not so you know how well you're healing, but so you can see what parts of a certain battle and the like that are more healing intensive so in future runs you might better know when or how to react to certain things like spikes in damage. Anyway cool little post juggy I sort of knew about this feature but never took the time to check it out myself.
Recount is okay for some basic information, but it has limitations. Ever noticed that on the same fight different people's recounts will show different values (even when configured the same)? Or, that a disc priest's shields do not show up in the healing done section?
I have found it is much more accurate for evaluating raiding to use the loggerhead addon (or just the /combatlog command) and a combat log website and get an accurate breakdown of the raid. These websites include everything in the combatlog, so nothing is missed.
I like worldoflogs for looking at healing, because the graphs are so informative, and you can upload it and look at it in real time.
I tend to use wowwebstats for checking out DPS, because of being able to expand all the abilities to see the difference between misses or dodges, etc.
Sure you post a pic of recount where you're #2. What fight was this? And lawl at me beating the feral druids and all the casters. Nerf pallies, imo...
5k+ deeps, nice Juggy
Isn't this just a personal epeening device? :D
I remember the days when thing like recount (damage meters in general) was frowned upon because people was always trying to "win" the DPS race.
The DPS race is crazy. I had an hour long discussion with a guild officer after a run trying to explain that the DPS wasn't the end all. He refused to see anything valid from Damage Done.
What's the point of a high DPS if you're only in the fight for 3 secs? U get three spells off. Grab a crit. You've now done 10k over 3 secs and then flatline. The DPS makes you look like you're a bad-a** around 3k dps.
He just wouldn't kick the fool who was only on the boss for half the time. The friggin tank was beating him for damage done.
In my old guild we used to have a Mage who insisted that having very high spell damage but low HP and mana pool was better (he had a very well worked out Mana gem - Mana pot - evocation routine). Lets just say he burned very bright but burnt out very quickly over and over again. :P
thanks for the feature update. didn't know about that. I usually keep it pretty basic to see how I am doing and not really the raid. (i like to switch weapons)
i find it funny how much stock is put into Recount. It is helpful if you use it correctly, but can cause major drama if you start to talk about it and how well others are doing.
First, remember that the Recount you run yourself is the most accurate on yourself. Ex: if you are melee and in the think of things with the tanks and other melee your recount and there's is very close, but not exact. If you compare it to a ranged dps recount there can be a much bigger difference. It is humorous to me that at the start of a Naxx run and we start with the wonderful (sarcasm) arachnid wing that when the first group of 10 (non elite) spiders are pulled everyone blows there CD's and someone goes, wow are dps is great this should be no problem. HA! as Stan said you may spike 10k, but if you can only do 1200 someone is going to complain about you. It won't be me as I try to assist others and give tips, but someone will QQ. Just warning you.
Second, healing, it is nice to see just how much you heal. since healers have a real role in groups on who/when/how they heal recount isn't the best thing for them. It is nice to see the numbers and figure out what fights you/your class excells at, but you can't look at it the same way you look at dps. As you plow through trash and smoke down bosses as long as people are staying alive and you don't have to blow that every imported combat rez until that one boss crit just comes a little too quick on the tank, then you are fine. Overhealing, well if people are dieing and you are running out of mana, then you need to look at how you are doing things, otherwise nothing wrong with "extra" life.
There are many ways to see how good a player is regardless of gear, dps, healing, etc. Don't be too quick to judge and unless it is a full group of ulduar geared peeps running the place for achievements, give people a chance. If it doesn't improve, say hey try to get a couple new pieces and work on rotation.
LK has opened up too much tank/spank or Burn'em down. BC had you CCing everything (which now almost all classes have a way to CC) to death, killing one critter at a time. If we can just find that happy medium. I loved it in an ulduar 10m and someone had to get up to tend to a little one, the group says, hell, lets sheep and sap kill the other 2 critters. It was so smooth and a nice repreave from spamming SS & FoK.
Happying WoWing!!
You mentioned you use TotemTimers. I have just started a shaman the I have been trying all the totem mods out and I really like TotemManager over TotemTimers because the display is nice for the cool downs, I can tell how many people are in range of each totem and I can choose 3 favorites from each group for quick a switch. Only problem is it takes up more room than TotemTimers.
My main is a warrior having 2 buffs going to a Shaman that has about 20 to choose from. How do you manage your totems?
I also love the healBot mod over grid. It is so cool to be able to heal with different mouse buttons to heal as well as keep everyone buffed.
Just a warning with the real-time graph. It eats a decent amount of resources so if your computer isn't the strongest I wouldn't suggest running with it up.
If you can handle it however, it can really help to show how you are doing at different parts of the fight and even help you time your cooldowns better.
i think its probably best to have a trade off between damage done and dps, using recount and switching between the 2 can totally change the rankings, i would quite happily have a lower dps than a couple of other ppl if i was wasting them on overall damage.
also i kinda knew about these myserious functions on recount but i didnt really know what they did thanks for telling me Juggy, i need to be led through wow on a leash still xD
Great site. Keep doing.,