Entries in Achievements (54)
The First Days of "Echoes of Doom"

So as many of you know, the patching process didn't exactly go smoothly for Blizzard. There were delays, installation issues, server issues, add-on issues, and for the fortunate few (like myself) you lost all your vanity pets and mounts. Yes... I know to look in the character screen, those babies are gone. Apparently it's a "display issue"
That's not what I want to talk about, however. Once I plowed through all the speed bumps, things were actually pretty fun! I logged on with tons of new stuff to do and things to get excited about.
While learning new mechanics has been a bit of a process, man, is it fun to see what my characters can do! My Paladin is pumping out more damage than I ever thought possible, and I have to say Hammer of Righteousness is about the coolest thing I have cast in a long time. Not only is it a great AoE, but I just love that sound it makes! (I know, but you have to appreciate the small things).
There were a few unexpected surprises as well. Once I got all trained up and got my hair cut, I started on a project I hadn't even considered before the patch dropped. I hit the AH and started buying up some glyphs to buff up my spellbook. Once I figured out where the Lexicon of Power was, I had a bunch of little enhancements to play with!
Finally, I have to say, I just love the new achievements and titles. Allow myself to introduce you to Bastosa Jenkins (or is it Steve Marcus Bastosa Jenkins now?).
On a serious note, it has been a great excuse to check out some old content, and explore some of the secluded places in Azeroth I have never made it to. While I didn't get credit for everything I have done thus far, I think I am really going to enjoy going back and crossing all those old bosses off the achievement list.
If this is a taste of what Wrath is going to be like, I am even more excited. Blizzard has done away with boredom of the downtime, and has given us all something fun to experience. Now if I could only get my epic flyer back...
Echoes of Doom Is Almost Upon Us

Late yesterday afternoon the Player Test Realms were finally closed, marking the end of testing for patch 3.0.2. At the same time, players were met with the typical “Breaking News” window at the login screen. The latest in “Breaking News” was a message telling everyone that maintenance would be longer than normal. Gee, what could possibly make maintenance longer than normal. Oh, I know, Blizzard Entertainment is finally putting the Echoes of Doom patch live!
Just because we can't play World of Warcraft right now doesn't mean we should put it out of our minds. There is plenty to worry about and do while waiting for Blizzard's techies to finish their job. Hopefully most of you managed to empty out your inventories and cash out while you could. If not, be sure to do so right away. I expect that once the servers go live, the market will start its steady decline on those soon-to-be-replaced items. The patch may make many items relatively worthless, but it will also allow many players to get some epic quality gems on the cheap.
Thanks to the removal of BoP and unique-equipped tags on PvP gems, those epic stones can soon be purchased by your PvP-dominating main and socketed into your whimpy alt's gear. The change in PvP items – initially added because Blizzard was going to wipe Honor points and Battleground marks – is just one of the cavalcade of changes coming with Echoes of Doom. There is another thing you can do, put on your reading glasses and hit up the latest official PTR patch notes for 3.0.2.
Done reading that ridiculous amount of class changes? Well, then it is time to go lay out your new spec for your main and handful of alts. I am actually still working on that myself, although I am kind of stuck with dagger builds for the moment.
Last but not least, and this one is often torture, it is time to start collecting 3.0.2 ready addons. Many addons will be broken with the launch of 3.0.2, so updates will surely be needed for a handful of your mods. The most popular mods have already been updated for the beta of Wrath of the Lich King itself, and therefore work fine in 3.0.2. WoWWiki has a comprehensive list, complete with funny little icons, to keep us informed. Most of my favorite addons are ready such as the Auctioneer suite, FuBar and tons of its plugins, Bejeweled, Itemrack, Rating Buster. Some of my other favorites are in limbo right now, including the popular BankItems, AutoBar and Omen Threat Meter. To make matters a little less time consuming, you may want to install the BLASC Client, which will keep your mods up-to-date via WoWAce's database.
Oh, and how could we forget the Achievements. Which ones are you shooting for on day one?
PopCap Games Pushing A Bewjeweled Addon

Earlier this week WoWInsider broke a story involving PopCap Games, makers of the popular, casual title Bejeweled. Why would a WoW blog be covering the casual games market? Well, PopCap Games has decided to take that downtime we have in World of Warcraft and convert it into color matching time. The casual developer has employed Moongaze, creator of numerous in game game addons including Besharded, Bombsweeper and Bust-a-shard. Moongaze was tasked with porting the popular puzzler into WoW as an addon which will be released for FREE next week.
I myself have dabbled with dual-gaming, as I like to call it, before and will have more on that subject and its challenges tomorrow. That being said, the addition of a new time sink and distraction in WoW may be the end to fast raiding times and skilled PvPers. I can see it now...
24 raid members to the tank/hunter, “Pull, please.”
“Hold on, I have a huge chain going on with a big multiplier” says the distracted gamer.
Someone else pulls, the tank doesn't notice and the raid wipes.
Rest of the raid laments, leading to the the bank getting looted, the guild collapsing, and 10 members quitting WoW all together.
Me, dramatic? Never!
Along with breaking the news, WoWInsider managed to score a beta copy which they seem very found of. Early this morning they posted yet another Bejeweled-based story, an interview with PopCap's T. Carl Kwoh and Moongaze. The Q&A session is lengthy and it's because the two interviewees happened to be a bit long winded rather than a whole lot of questions being asked. Anyone interested in Bejeweled, the addon community or why the heck they thought of the idea should venture over.
Who else is going to check out Bejeweled when it launches next week? I should mention that playing Bewjeweled - and being skilled at it - is the object of some Achievements. That'll definitely get you Achievement nuts to look at it.
World of Achievements

Hooray! Blizzard officially announced that Wrath of the Lich King will have Achievements. These will work in a similar fashion to Achievements in other games and on other systems, such as the Xbox 360. So, you can perform a task and get credit towards an achievement. While all achievements will grant meaningless points towards a score for comparison between players, some will also give fun or cosmetic rewards, like many of the seasonal quest rewards.
The achievements will be separated into categories of PvP, Dungeons and Raids, Professions, Quests, Events, World Exploration, Reputation, and General. A couple of the examples listed for achievements are Shave and a Haircut and Fo Grizzle My Shizzle. Hopefully the second one has something to do with skinning a bear and having it aggro all bears in the zone.
These things are going to do wonders for Blizzard, and will probably keep level 80s interested even more, causing players to spend lots of time and money getting just one more achievement.