Season Four Is Coming

As we all know, Season 4 is almost upon us. What does that mean for me? It means Season 2 equipment will be available for Honor. Ideally, I would be grinding out Honor and tokens with the rest of the noobs who don't have Merciless or Vengeful gear yet. I'd love to buy a whole set of Epics, since both my Enhancment and Restoration sets have ugly blue holes in them. Unfortunately, I decided long ago that battlegrounds alone are much worse than battlegrounds with friends. Now, for me, this is pretty much the case with anything in WoW. But most of my time is spent dealing with guild organization (I had no idea what I was getting myself into), raids (same), or financing my habits, both in game and IRL. This leaves precious little time for battlegrounds and even less when friends are available. Alas, Season 2 gear, it seems we are not meant to be. I guess I will have to try and make those ZA runs in the future.

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A 40 For My MR Hommies

Ah... when it's done, it's done. It's sad to see it go... but we'll all move on... What am I talking about? One of the worst things that could happen in-game: my guild disbanded. ( /cry ) Yes, a few weeks ago, maybe longer now since time has lost all meaning since I entered this state of mourning, the first guild I joined broke up over internal politics, RL issues, in-fighting, alleged favoritism and a few freakin' stupid idiot jerks ( different people depending on whom you ask ) brought about the final straw that broke the guild's back. I am talking of Midnight Run on Frostmane server. We were good. Really freakin' good. We were almost on farmin' status for Hyjal and BT, gathering mats for boss fights in BT and beginning our venture into Sun Well within a few weeks, but then it happened. On night I logged in at raid time, ready to kick the crap out of Vashj and maybe get a new chest piece, when the GM called all online people over to the Aldor bank. Then he dropped the bomb. It sucked. Really sucked. I meet some really cool people in the guild and had fun takin' down some of the hardest content in the game but now, as I stood at the Aldor bank getting my share of epic gems and wizard oil from the soon-to-be defunk guild bank, it was just dawning on me that I would probably never raid with most of these people again. A damn f'k shame. And I knew some of the reasons why it was disbanding were very legit. RL comes first no matter what anyone says. And the freakin' jerks who were making a mess of the guild's name really f'ked it for everyone. How just a few asses can come in and within a weekend f'k it up for everyone is just astounding to me. So to those who were in Midnight Run, thank you. Puffball, you are a great GM and I would join any guild you make in the future when you come back to the game. Hedone, you are an amazing healer and I look forward to raiding with you soon. Gomja, you rock as a Pali tank. Noodshot, Stings, Legendaryoda, and the rest of the MR crew, thanks for the fun. And now the guild is done. The fractured pieces split into two or three different guilds, each somewhat bashing the other for the downfall and how cool they are now. Whatever. My ego resides in myself and not in how much DPS I can do. That being said... If you have a guild on Frostmane server that raids after 9:30 server time that's lookin' for a raiding fire mage whose sustained DPS is always in the top 10, usually top 5, then give me a call. Loyalty is one thing while there's something to be loyal to, but when it''s done, it's done. Besides I want that freakin' chest to drop off Vashj! So if you need a raid savy fire mage, give me a call, but only if you raid after 9:30 server time on Frostmane. ( btw - The Armory says I'm in Divine Turtle Protectors but that's my alt's guild. And the gear I'm wearing is epic! lol )

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Glossary Uploaded!

I just finished uploading the first revision of the Project Lore Glossary! I think we have a pretty good start, but I'm sure you guys can think of some abbreviations or terms we are missing. Or maybe you've heard some phrase in game that you just don't understand. If so, just fire off an email to and let me know what you think we should add.

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Dorkins Is The Best Pet Owner In The World...of Warcraft.

I swear to all that is holy, including paladins and priests, if you screw with Dorkins...I will turn red, grow really big, then rip your face off and defecate on your dead corpse. Are We Clear?! That is a warning to everybody, including you party members. Man I need some meat.

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EotS... And Why You Fail.

Okay... maybe not you... but there a re a huge number of people who have no freakin' idea how to play Eye of the Storm battleground. And why is this important? Because if you want to get your classes PvP boots, neck or weapon, you'll have to get a lot of these Marks. And with season 4 upon us, you'll also have to do arena, but that's a different blog. Here's the two strats that I have seen work best in EotS:

  1. Hold two towers and control the middle. Period. Don't go for other towers or get pulled away by enticing PvP kills. Just defend the towers and keep taking the flag.
  2. Hold three towers and defend. Period. Don't go for other towers or get pulled away by enticing PvP kills. Just defend the three towers.
That's it. Do one of those - NOT BOTH - and you'll get your marks. EotS is not a gankfest like AV or Warsong can deteriorate into from time to time. You must defend your position and hold it to secure a win. And EotS IS NOT capture the flag. That is a silly diversion to keep you away from your real objective of taking and defending the towers. Now go do suggestion 1 or 2 - NOT BOTH - and go get yourself some pretty little PvP boots.

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Totally Rad Guild On

Hey everyone, So I just got this note as a reply in Twitter that Wowinsider featured The Totally Rad Guild's downing of Gruul! I know it's in a list of other guilds that downed things but hey that means someones seeing what we do. We MATTER!!! DrDark

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Fire Mage Forever!

There are sooooooo many people that say you should spec a mage in frost, that frost is the only way to go, and that the other talent trees, while cute in their own way, will never match up to the versatility of a frost mage. Ummm.... WRONG! Let's just say this right from the get go here peeps. I leveled, solo by the way, a squishy fire mage from nothing to a raiding / PvP machine - a fast casting, consistent damage, mana-managing fire mage that would just as soon scortch a PvPer's face off than debate the pros and cons of chill effect. Who freakin' cares about chill effect? At the end game are you chillin' a boss or frost novaing Vashj in SSC? Hell no. Now for trash maybe or battlegrounds all freakin' AV weekend, but at big boy boss time you want sustained DPS and mana management. You tell me who's gonna live longer in Hyjal? A mana efficient fire mage or a pet-poppin', blizzard throwin' frost mage? Sure I've hear the debate - improved frost nova and other frost tree elements make the frost mage a great croud controller and consistent DPS while only slightly sacraficing mana management. Sure. Maybe. I've yet to see it for myself. Trust me... I've speced frost for TK and that damn A'lar fight enough to know that I pop so many mana pots that I have to grind for an hour to get those mats again. And this is with Serpent-Coil Braid and Sorcerer's Alchemist Stone. And don't get me started on the arcane tree - amazing bust damage but the mana management is horrible. Tried it once... liked one shotin' elites in Netherstorm, but I hate drinkin water between every freakin' kill. So there you have it, my opinion, for what it's worth, on why I like a raidin fire mage machine as my main toon. If you got a super special tree combo that you think is more mana efficient than mine, let me know. Love to hear it. Maybe... Later

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Welcome...I'm Right.

Welcome one and all to my Project Lore blog... What's there more to say than that, right? Actually a lot freakin' more. So hold on to your hats my fine little cyber friends. This is were I get to bitch about the stuff I can't type fast enough in guild chat while some affliction lock has got me dotted up to the teeth and some f'n rogue has crippled me once again in arena. I'll try to keep it clean here... no promises though... I mean I got the First Amendment on my side right? Well I'll let you know if I get a cease and desist order. In fact, I'll send you a copy to frame on your wall. Where was I? Oh yeah... bitchin' about stuff. Isn't that what a blog's for? Really? At least this one will be. And the topic: crap that annoys me while I'm playing World of Warcraft. Now it could be anything: the glare on the screen, my drink being half empty, or, my favorite, why can't the freakin' Alliance win a f'n battlegroud without the Horde being AF-freakin'-K! AHHHH!H!H!HH!!!! You try to get 28K honor points and 40 EotS Marks on a server who's chief comment in battlegrounds by the by the people who think that know what they are doing is "quit being stupid!" Those idiots. Tactic will be covered later. BTW - If I ever see someone in battleground with some stupid, jack@$$ comment like that, I will always report them being AFK or for spamming. Try to shake that one idiot. Well I don't want to lose all my venom here. I might have a nice comment or two in blogs to come. We'll see... Either way, thanks for showin' up and have fun playing. SaintGermain

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First Post FTW!

So this is blogging... should I say "blogging" or "bloggin?" Should one street up his first post of keep it official? I'm thinking official, then street. So here it goes: Welcome to the wonderful world of Project Lore! It's times like these, launching a new WoW website, that it's great to be alive. I've been playing this game for years and now finally I can turn my hours of game time into MONEY! Ok well not like gold farmer money but you know like paperboy money. So sit back and enjoy the love that Lore has to offer. Also the boys and I will be twittering, and video blogging so stay tuned. - DrDark

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